

President and Co-owner

Discover Causeway Bridge to Innovation is a dynamic company with a strong foothold in the United States, particularly in Florida, as well as Eastern Europe. Their blend of cultural understanding and operational effectiveness positions the Company uniquely in the market. Drawing from our Polish heritage and American experience, spanning over 20 years in the industry, Discover Causeway Bridge to Innovation offers unparalleled expertise to their clients. The Company specializes in software development, cyber security, and managed services. These core focus areas allow them to tailor the solutions to meet the diverse needs of clients.

"Causeway Bridge to Innovation is more than just a team - we are a unique fusion of highly experienced and talented individuals with profound knowledge of the IT landscape in both European and U.S markets. We seamlessly merge two worlds, encapsulating the diverse needs of customers and staying attuned to the ever-evolving global market trends.

On behalf of CAUSEWAY BRIDGE TO INNOVATION LLC, we would like to provide references for our supplier, IT FACTORY Sp. z o.o. in the area of IT services and project support in the scope of supplying highly qualified staff to Clients on the USA market.

Jointly implemented projects concern the logistics and transport sector, as well as support for companies in the financial area requiring banking and insurance knowledge. The American IT services market is characterized by high dynamics and aggressive price competition from Asian and Ukrainian companies. High quality expectations and the required quick time to launch project teams require cooperation with companies operating dynamically on the IT market in POLAND.

Thanks to cooperation with IT FACORY Sp. z o.o. meeting the expectations of end customers in the USA in terms of financial, quality and resource availability expectations is simplified for us. We see employee involvement in the number of candidates delivered to each offerings so that we are able to quickly support our end Customers.

We hope that our references will allow IT FACTORY to acquire new Customers and strengthen our partner's position on the local market."


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The data controller of your personal data is IT Factory Sp. z o.o., with its registered office at ul. Twarda 18, Warsaw (00-105). More information about the processing of personal data, including your rights, is available here.


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Filling out this contact form indicates your consent for IT Factory Sp. z o.o., with its registered office at ul. Twarda 18, Warsaw (00-105), to process your personal data in order to facilitate contact with you regarding your future recruitment processes. You may withdraw your consent at any time, and such withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of processing that occurred before your withdrawal. For evidential purposes, the data controller requests that consent be withdrawn either in writing or via email to

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The data controller of your personal data is IT Factory Sp. z o.o., with its registered office at ul. Twarda 18, Warsaw (00-105). More information about the processing of personal data, including your rights, is available here.